
Literary commentary

Loathly Ladies: rationalising differences in the characterisation of the marrying Knight to the precipitating action (Medieval Narratives)
October 2001, University of Auckland English Department

The World of Chaucer's Fabliaux
August 2001, University of Auckland English Department

Prometheus Usurping God: comparing Blade Runner and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
October 2000, University of Auckland English Department

Legal commentary

Marine Mammals Protection Act 1978: A summary of the New Zealand legislation
2005, for the Animal Rights Legal Advocacy Network

Copyright, Moral Rights and Parody

What is the Legal Status of Hyperlinking and/or Deep Linking?
2002, Auckland University Law Review

Anticipatory Containment Legislation: Targeting Personality Disorders
February 2002, University of Auckland Law School
A dissertation presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Auckland for the degree of Bachelor of Laws (Hons).

The Death Penalty: A Live Issue?
September 2001, University of Auckland Law School
An opinion presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Auckland for the degree of Bachelor of Laws (Hons).

Eckhoff and the Purpose of Punishment in Criminal Law
June 2001, University of Auckland Law School

Émile Durkheim and the philosophy of causation
June 2001, University of Auckland Law School

A Critique of Biological Positivism
June 2001, University of Auckland Law School

The Compulsion Element in a Defence of Necessity
October 2000, University of Auckland Law School

John Rawls: The Original Position
October 2000, University of Auckland Law School

The Prerogative of Mercy in New Zealand
May 1998, University of Auckland Law School

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