Monday 17 December 2018

The Difference Engine III: Colony

Written and performed by Michael Travis except 8 and 10 originally written and performed by Room Noir (Hadley B)

Cover photo by Samantha-Jane Harding.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Vectors Of Attack

Written and performed by Michael Travis except 1 Combines three songs by Sunflower Blue (Reuben Simpson) - 2 Vocals by JJWeekz - 5 Includes a stretched piano by Reuben Simpson - 10 Vocals by Reuben Simpson - 11 Vocals by Iska Heron from Iluna

Dinosaur by Gail and Camden Travis.

Saturday 27 February 2016

Yellow / Eat My Lunch

The Yellow Executive team volunteering at Eat My Lunch.

Filmed and edited by Michael Travis

Friday 1 May 2015


Lovesick from Michael Travis on Vimeo.

True love conquers all.

48 Hours 2015 (Auckland)
48 Hours Screening Room

Cast & crew
Starring Rugen Du Bray, Jaimz Whitlock, Richard Steane and Bek Whitlock
Written by Frank Chan
With music by Reuben Simpson/Sunflower Blue
Filmed by Dave Munn
Directed and edited by Michael Travis

Saturday 7 March 2015

Residential Evil

Residential Evil is a new musical project, with a wide-ranging 'gonzo electronica' style.

Written and performed by Michael Travis except 1 Vocals by Iska Heron from Iluna - 6 Samples from "Only Yesterday " by Room Noir (Hadley B) - 13 Samples from T/\KEN (Hadley B) - 15 Remixed by Sunflower Blue (Reuben Simpson)

Artwork by Reuben Simpson, from a photo by Bek Whitlock.

Thursday 21 August 2014

Taggifi / Spaces

Check out these innovative mobile apps developed by Yellow New Zealand's "Product Factory" team. Filmed, edited and with music by Michael Travis.

Check out the Taggifi website, Facebook page, Apple App Store on iTunes and Android App on Google Play.

Check out the Spaces Facebook page and Apple App Store on iTunes.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Review: The World According To The Difference Engine

The World According To The Difference Engine just received a fantastic review from Rodrigo Hidalgo at